Section: Dissemination

Participation in workshops, seminars and miscellaneous invitations

  • Yann Guédon was an invited speaker at the hidden Markov model workshop organized by GdR ISIS.

  • Frédéric Boudon was invited speaker at the 6th International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology in Agriculture, held in Beijing, China in 28-30 October. He gave a talk at the Departement of Computer Sciences of the University of Calgary in December. He also presented L-Py and the work on reconstruction from laser scan of the team at the OpenAlea seminar in June. This last work was also presented at the T-LIDAR workshop organized by T. Constant (INRA, Nancy) at Montpellier in November.

  • Christophe Godin was an invited speaker in 9 occasions during the year, in particular for the 20th anniversary of the computer science Lab (Labri) in Bordeaux (June), and for the launch of the Sainburry Lab on plant development in Cambridge 'September).

  • Christophe Pradal presented a poster at the European Scientific Python Conference at the Ecole Normal Supérieure ULM, in Paris, in August 2011.

  • Etienne Farcot gave a presentation at the mid-term meeting of the ERASysBio+ program, for the iSAM project, in Vienna, in September 2011.

  • Yassin Refahi gave a talk at the "Combinatorial Pattern Matching" conference (CPM2011) in June, in Palermo, Italy [20] .

  • Michael Walker presented a poster at "Plant Growth Biology and Modelling 2011" in Elche, Spain. The poster title was "Towards a Unified PIN Model for the SAM in Arabidopsis Thaliana". He also gave a presentation at the first NUMEV colloquium "Solutions Numériques, Matérielles et Modélisation pour L'Environnement et le Vivant" in Montpellier, entitled "Modelling the shoot apical meristem".

  • Mik Cieslak gave an oral presentation at the IXth International Symposium on Modelling in Fruit Research and Orchard Management, in June 2011, in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Québec, Canada.